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Calendar of Events

Shrove Tuesday Extravangza

Tuesday, February 17

6pm - 8pm

Feast before the Fast!

Join us for pancakes, jambalaya, red beans & rice, and ice cream for dessert.


Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus!

(Free. Donations accepted.)

Lectio Divina

Fridays, February 25 - March 27

9:30 - 10:30am

"Lectio Divina" (divine reading)  is a way of reading the Scriptures where we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us.


Meet in the Parlor Lounge.

No RSVP or pre-registration.

Soup and Stations

Friday, February 27 & March 13

6:30 - 8:00pm in Creedon Hall

Eat a light soup supper, pray the Stations of the Cross; learn how to  help those in need. Bring a can of soup to donate to a local food pantry.


Evening of Reconciliation

Monday, March 9

Two sessions:

4:30 - 5:30pm and 6:30 - 8:00pm

Priests available in English and Spanish at both sessions.


Parish Mission

Sunday - Wednesday, March 15 - 18

 "I Have Called You By Name"


Vince Ambrosetti leads another dynamic retreat.


Sunday, 7:45pm

Monday - Wednesday, 7:00pm

Holy Week

March 30 - April 5

From Palm Sunday to Easter

Opportunities for confession, stations of the cross, and more.

(read more)

Journey Against Hunger

go at your own pace

weekly during Lent

In 2014 Pope Francis and Caritas International launched a yearlong campaign against global hunger – “One Human Family, Food for All.” Join us for a look into Pope Francis’ message and the issue of hunger in our community and abroad. Come to one session or all.

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